Studying the interactions between the immune system and cancer

Macrophages are often the most common infiltrating immune cell within tumors, and they can comprise up to 50% of the cells within a solid tumor mass. Recent studies have demonstrated that macrophages can eliminate cancer cells when provided with an appropriate stimulus. Our research focuses on unlocking the therapeutic potential of these cells for the benefit of patients.

The mission of the Weiskopf Lab is:

  1. To understand the fundamental biology that regulates that interactions between macrophages and cancer.

  2. To develop novel drugs that alter macrophage function in cancer and other life-threatening diseases.

Since macrophages play a role in nearly all states of pathology, our findings could have broad implications for a diverse range of cancers and many other states of disease.

Learn more about the team.

Innovation and Translation

Our team places great importance on innovation, and we strive to translate our research findings to benefit patients. Our discoveries and efforts have helped launch multiple biotech companies, including Forty Seven, ALX Oncology, DEM Biopharma, and Solu Therapeutics, and have formed the basis of many ongoing clinical trials. We are dedicated to making new therapies that are transformative for patients, particularly those with critical, unmet medical needs. 

Our Vibrant Scientific Environment

Whitehead Institute is a world-renowned non-profit research institution dedicated to improving human health through basic biomedical research. Affiliated with MIT, it is located in the heart of a thriving scientific community in Cambridge, MA. Its culture of innovation, collaboration, and lifelong learning fosters a diverse community that values curiosity and open-mindedness. Whitehead remains committed to advancing scientific knowledge and addressing global challenges through its culture of excellence and dedication to scientific inquiry.

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